Tuesday, February 05, 2008


Originally uploaded by butterflyjones03
Ooops, wanted to add this one as well.
These are the adult pair.
One thing though - I made these with polyester batting. Bad idea.
the childs mitts I made with cotton batting. Came out sturdy and warm.
I would even double up on the batting for the front and back piece.
Great quick project and a great way to practice quilting.


Originally uploaded by butterflyjones03
Here are my Oven mitts for a child - my boys to be exact. They are 11 and 12 years old - so when they need to hold onto a pot or move the teapot from the burner - they can now use mitts that actually fit them. Great tutorial: http://www.thelongestyear.typepad.com
Vanessa Upstate NY