My mother used to teach Home-Ec, and she taught me to sew in 4th grade. I also took the standard Home-Ec class in Junior High as well, and have done verrry little since then. I'd like to do a lot more, but I'll admit, my machine intimidates me. So sad to be intimidated by machinery, especially something capable of making such beatiful things. I know the basics, but nothing intricate, like ummm...zippers.
I haven't decided what pattern and what material. I'm leaning toward this Vogue pattern to start with, (it's the smaller version of the purse in the upper left) and maybe embellish it with a little embroidery (which is also something I haven't done in ages). Oh, and no buckles and different handles. I only have a mini fabric stash, and when I sorted through it last night I was only able to come up with this combo.
Which I like, but it seems awfully fallish, and I'd love something more summery. However, that would mean more fabric....will somebody please twist my arm??
I'm also thinking about making a tote bag for my knitting out of a patchwork of these felted sweaters, lining it and putting in lots of pockets...and maybe even a zipper. I think I just had chills. I'm so happy to be doing this, and can't wait to see how everyone's bags turn out.